River Basins . . . Eagley Brook EGERTON DIMPLE ROAD
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PeriodTotal (mm)
20:00 Mar 04
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Data caclulated from: 20:00 Mar 04
(e.g. "-1 hour" is the total in the hour leading up to 20:00 Mar 04)
Chart Total
Total0.00 mm
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Historical Monthly Rainfall
Local Information
Nearby Flood Warnings
Nearby Alert Areas
No flood warning icon

Eagley Brook at Deakins Mill, Egerton

No flood warning icon

Eagley Brook at Eagley

No flood warning icon

Eagley Brook at Dunscar

No flood warning icon

Eagley Brook and River Tongue at Astley Bridge

Station Data Information
Station overseen (meaning either provided, or regulated) by: The Environment Agency
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