River Bovey Tributary at Bovey Tracey Wifford Footbridge
Is the River Bovey Tributary level at the Bovey Tracey Wifford Footbridge station in Bovey Tracey Wifford Footbridge, as of our last update, at 18:00 Jan 18.
Bovey Tracey Wifford Footbridge - Information Summary
Station overseen (meaning either provided, or regulated) by: The Environment Agency The information displayed here is used under license. We are not affiliated with any governing, or other, bodies. Nor do they necessarily endorse us, or us them. Please note that FloodMapper does not verify or check the accuracy of the data provided by third parties. The data is used as received from the source. Any underlying errors, inconsistencies, or inaccuracies in the original data will be reflected in the information presented on our platform. Users are advised to exercise their own judgment and caution when using the data for decision-making purposes. Information about our data sources and licenses can be found
FloodMapper is an independent site and is not associated with any government bodies (e.g. Environment Agency).