17mm of rain is forecast on Sunday night (23/02/2025). This follows 22mm of rain which was recorded in Itchingfield on Friday (21/02/2025). If as much rain falls as predicted, flooding could be possible. From 08:00 on Monday 24/02/2025, flooding could affect properties at Slaughter Bridge on the Coolham road, as well as isolated farm buildings, fields and rural roads between Coolham and Henfield. It is possible water may approach gardens of Church Close, Shipley. Only isolated showers are forecast on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The river should begin to fall by 16:00 on Monday 24/02/2025, but will be higher than normal until Tuesday afternoon. Minor flood impacts will remain over the next few days. Generally water levels will remain higher than normal, and the river will be sensitive to any additional rainfall over the next few weeks. Some roads, including the Coolham road at Slaughter Bridge, may become impassable. Please plan to avoid driving through routes vulnerable to flooding. We continue to monitor the levels and forecast. We will update this message by 14:00 24/02/2025.
Text as issued by The Environment Agency
Last updated at: 17:07 Feb 23