Search for a Sewage Report


FloodMapper has aggregated and analysed sewage discharge and spill data from across the U.K.
We have live sewage spill data for England.
We have historical data for England and Wales (2021-2023) as well as Scotland (2019-2023). Unfortunately, records are not readily available for N.I.

These records have been provided by various regulatory bodies, such as the Environment Agency.
By leveraging this data, FloodMapper has developed local reports that summarize the impact and extent of sewage discharges and spills in specific areas.

The data are in disjoint and hard to process formats, we have made best efforts to present the data as we receive it from the various government bodies. We have not modified any underlying data, our aim is to present it in a more accessible format for the public.

With the "Search for a Sewage Report" tool, you can easily look up and view these records by entering your local town or city name. FloodMapper aims to empower communities by providing crucial information to help understand and address the environmental impacts of sewage spills.

Sewage discharges are a common occurance during flooding.
Common causes of discharges of sewage during flood events or adverse weather are inundation of infrastructure, such as Sewage Pumping Stations and Waste Water Works, and local combined sewage systems exceeding their design capacity.
FloodMapper is an independent site and is not associated with any government bodies (e.g. Environment Agency).
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